Marcus Amaker

Author archive

The Pecha Kucha poem

  the new foundation I. every moment that you are alive is the only moment that matters. the past is a glass house and we throw stones trying to shatter walls that need to come down. we are all architects of negativity – brick by brick of bold thoughts holding together bodies bound by blood […]

Album review: David Bowie’s “The Next Day”

I’ve always been a little intimidated by David Bowie. His discography is massive. His reputation is legendary. His influence is immeasurable. So, where do you start when you want to listen to him? Like most people, I started with the Ziggy Stardust album. Beyond that, though, I was finding it hard to connect to his […]

When a musician grows older …

i have a strange fascination with growing old. at 36, i feel better than i’ve ever felt. people pump fear into your mind about age: they tell you that your 20s are your prime and your 50s are when you should start thinking about mortality. as prince sung, “what if time’s only reason is to […]

Charlie Magazine – Pocket Poetry

Meet Marcus. Actually, wait. You know Marcus. Marcus Amaker. Charleston’s prized poet. Dude with dreads riding his bike. Sexy black man. Designer/musician/Prince fanatic. Yeah, you know him. But we want to re-introduce you, because he’s saying goodbye. Panic not. We mean he’s letting go of his older poems and transitioning into a new phase of […]

the light belongs to you (for jasiri)

you were the flame before the phoenix, the boy who poured his heart into the sky. on the day you died, i tiptoed calmly through the forest of your memory then walked into the rising stillness of reality, the absence of your smile. tonight, i can not think of you without locking fingers with trees, […]

Press: Young artist holds the spirit of poetry

By Marjory Wentworth A week or two after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, I heard Marcus Amaker perform his poem “jazz” at Monday Night Blues in downtown Charleston. He had composed the poem in the aftermath of the storm and all the horrors that followed. Marcus experienced the same disbelief and anger the rest of […]