Articles from this Category
“empath” secrets
December 13, 2017
Some inside info about the new project, exclusively for the 7 people who read this website. // the original title of the project was “movement / meaning.” // the concept of the book was sparked by this tweet. // that tweet inspired me to write a poem called “empath (motherland)” and to come up with […]
I’m ready …
December 13, 2017
I’m ready to let you know about new project, empath. You’re probably thinking, “Uh oh. Didn’t you just do a poetry festival? Shouldn’t you sleep? What’s next, bruh?!?!” Well … empath = a 185-page poetry book, (featuring poems about love, connection, family, history, social justice, social media, Prince, feminism, and, of course, Charleston). […]
Working on the new project ….
November 30, 2017
… and it’s been a great journey. Like many artists, the process of making a project is just as important as the final product. It’s where the joy lies. I’ve been editing / writing / singing / pushing buttons / playing / designing for a few months now. What you’ll get is a unified statement. […]
Burke HS poetry club
November 9, 2017
Burke High School teacher Kaitlyn Mindel reached out to me because she leads a spoken word poetry club at the school. They meet weekly and have been planning to do a slam at the school. I recently visited and was BLOWN AWAY by their talent and skill. Evidence: I’m going to work my hardest to […]
(thank you)
November 3, 2017
Welp. Free Verse is over. I’m proud that this festival accomplished what I wanted it to: amplify voices that needed to be heard while spreading poetry across the city. I couldn’t have done it without your support. Much love to SC Humanities, the South Carolina Arts Commission and the Charleston Visitors Bureau. And the sponsors: the Cooper School, Pure Theatre, MOJA Arts Festival, the SchoolHouse, Enough […]
Free Verse: a poetry festival for Charleston
September 28, 2017
My dream of putting together a poetry festival is now a reality. When I became poet laureate of Charleston, my main vision + goal was to spread poetry in Charleston and make it a more stable scene. Poetry has been alive in the Holy City for a long time. When I moved here in 2003, […]
Tori Amos, thank you
September 16, 2017
My relationship with Tori Amos has gone through its ups and downs. Like many people in the Tori universe, I first came to her music in the 90s. Under the Pink was my first album, and I quickly went to Little Earthquakes then Boys for Pele then From the Choirgirl Hotel then To Venus and […]
A fun album …
July 27, 2017
The last one took a lot out of me. So I made analogue // 6: a 17-minute collection of songs inspired by the 80s. Dig it: analogue // 6 (2017) by tape loop The video:
My most difficult album.
July 22, 2017
I spent a few months working on an album that proved to be my most difficult project to date. TELEMAQUE. grew from a desire to give a musical voice to the depression that arises from America’s history. You see, sometimes poetry is incapable of expressing pain accurately. Words can only go so far. In my […]