Marcus Amaker

Author archive

This Should Be a Podcast – Episode 50

The fine folks of This Should Be a Podcast – Andrew Sprague, Ryan Wilcox and Liz Segrist – interviewed me about art, poetry and my hatred of Seinfeld. I love this podcast – it’s super funny and relaxed. Check it out below, and also check out my wife on an earlier episode, as well! My podcast […]

War & Drink Podcast with Matt Megrue

Good friend and fellow musician Matt Megrue has a great new podcast called War & Drink. I was a guest of the first episode. Good times, man. Listen below and check out the other podcasts here.

365 days of love.

One year ago today, I married Jordan. Fellas, to get the scoop on how to find eternal bliss, follow these steps ~ step 1: open your eyes and realize you are already friends with the woman of your dreams. step 2: finally ask her out on a date. goes to @moes crosstown. step 3: write […]

Second annual OHM Sweet Corn Cook off

My life changed when Vikki Matsis came to me a few years ago and asked me to do the branding for OHM Radio. I did the logo and website for it, and I also do a show every Monday and Thursday. 78.3% of my shows are dedicated to Prince (of course). A great side effect […]

… and we are the flawless

God took a selfie before the Big Bang and noticed the sadness in his eyes. Loneliness covered his face in darkness; depression awakened the need for light. Heaven was a tiny house with just enough room for God to meditate and dream of a universe devoid of vanity. Soon, space expanded from a single snapshot […]

All of my purple life

Thoughts from a mega fan. My speech at the Charleston Music Hall, prior to a showing of Prince’s “Purple Rain” on May 18, 2016. I don’t have a good memory. I have a hard time recalling names and moments from my past. Sometimes, it’s hard for me to remember what I did last weekend, much […]

Surround Sound, at Redux

My first official show as tape loop is in the books. MAN, it was an amazing time. About 80 people came to Redux for the Surround Sound show … I’m so thankful for the love and good energy from everyone involved. Pam and Jason spun records, Nick Jenkins and I performed on stage and the […]

Writing poetry for people on a typewriter

Some poets and I had the chance to set up shop at the Charleston Farmers Market, armed with a ton of blank paper and … a typewriter. We were there to celebrate the last day of National Poetry Month. We charged people $1 for a poem. It was amazing how many people loved the idea. […]

Why I love A Tribe Called Quest

The first “poem” I wrote was a verse-by-verse cover of A Tribe Called Quest’s “Butter,” from The Low End Theory. I put “poem” in quotes because I really didn’t know what I was doing – I was just really enthralled with the rhyme style of Phife Dawg. The year was 1991, and I still had […]

Poem – “surround sound (she reads me like music)”

if our love is a record player then our bodies are the speakers. my voice is wired into you and this poem will shine a light on the revolution of our union as we find the grooves within each other. side 1, track 1: the needle drops to expose the clarity that lies within the […]